Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Le Futur de Ffffashion

Hello friends,

Today I'm going to talk (write) to you about an amazing experience I had a week or so ago, with my super-telented friend Natasha (of InspirationNation), one that made my ears perk up with sartorial inspiration. 

In conjunction with London Fashion Week the London College of Fashion staged a pop-up shop in Carnaby, in order to showcase and sell the work of a variety of Graduate designers who were students up to (I believe) about 5 years ago. They had a regular turnaround of items by different designers on the shop floor (what with all the different people showing their work it'd be unfair otherwise!) and each piece was either a one-off, or at least pretty damn rare.

But what was the best part, I hear you cry in rabid anticipation??!

Oh the prices!! 

In many cases dresses, tops, trousers, shoes and even jackets could be picked up for no more than one might spend after a casual browse in Topshop. That, my darling readers, is a bargain indeed. 

Thankfully for those of you who might not be able to make it down to check it out yourselves, I cunningly took some photos of the items I liked best, for your delectation:

All items by Silence Beyond Syllables

These dresses were one hell of a find. Retailing at around £80 each and £40 for the cropped tee, they came in gorgeous dip dyed silks, with the kind of cut that Jackie O would be proud to sport. Yes. Jackie Onassis in dip-dye. Spare a moment to consider the awesomeness. 

Are these not two of the most fantastical items your sweet innocent eyes (or not depending on who you are) ever did see? Frothy chiffon layers and sweeping pastel pink ostrich feathers make me weep with joy, they really do. I have visions of myself gliding through the darkened streets of london with the feathers tickling my knees, staring up at the night sky whilst being snapped at by the paparazzi, in the 20s. Or something. I think I've been too influence by Midnight In Paris
Moving on...

From top - bottom: Emma Erskine Omigie, William Tempest, Sir Stan.

The jacket by Emma E-O just screamed louche chic to me, and is perfect for Spring. The suede is butter soft and the whole thing is beautifully tailored, much like William Tempest's curtain jacket, as I like to call it, looking as it does like its been made out of a curtain bag. There is a certain charm to the combination of bold red, greens and black leather, n'est pas? 
Finally we come to Sir Stan's blouse. While certainly not the most innovative piece in my selection of photos, the spots, in a variety of bright hues and shapes adds a charm to a piece that remains on trend, without following the usual trend of white spots on a black shirt, or vice versa. Me likey.


Do I remember who this tshirt is by? No. Why I hear you clamour? Because I have not yet quite figured out the tricks of the blogging trade. But this much my pumpkins I can tell you, it is gorgeous, with it's flirty slightly sheer linen and colourfully contrasting geometric shapes, and it is not alone. Thus, I bid you adieu with the following advice:

Go! Visit! Before it is too late...

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