Monday, 16 January 2012

Be still my beating heart...

So because I'm so bad at putting outfits together to photograph (or even bothering to shoot my day-to-day wear) I thought I'd post about a label that I've been keeping an eye on, and which, to my personal sense of style, just keeps getting better and better. 

Founded by Christine Lai and Eric Espinoza (I'm not entirely sure when, but recently at any rate) UNIF clothing produces apparel for men and women that genuinely make me want to weep with joy. Their looks are pure, concentrated punk chic, but with lashings of grunge rather than the luxe embellished look favoured by most other designers, not to mention a dose of California sunshine and the hippy look it produces. I found out about UNIF after stumbling upon Christine's blog and falling truly, madly, deeply in love with her style. Mixing vintage and new items and more importantly juxtaposing sizes and textures (all with the added touch of some sky high 90s style platforms) and I was a gonner. I'm pretty sure most people don't know this, but Kurt Cobain has always been a style icon of mine, and I've always had a secret fascination with punk. (I saw "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" the other day and I can't stop thinking about Rooney Mara's haircut and piercings. It's very unhealthy.) For me the grunge/punk look is not only the most comfortable, but also considerably more interesting and attractive than the modern hipster look - something which relies too heavily on tailoring for someone such as myself who prefers to throw things on and buy a good proportion of her clothes from the men's section in shops. 

Anyway, I thought I'd show you some pics from their last collection (their current one I can only find in video form, but if you want to see it it's on their website

All clothes, UNIF

I hope you like their stuff as much as I do, even if it isn't what you would normally wear. I've yet to buy a piece myself, (mainly because I'm a student and therefore constantly skint) but it isn't unreasonably priced stuff, and if you are interested you can check out what they've got to offer on nastygal or wasteland

If your tastes are slightly more subdued (and I would not judge you for it) but you feel like spicing up your wardrobe a little, they have recently branched into shoes, producing these gorgeous little things:

UNIF Hellraisers, available here


Friday, 13 January 2012

January, Febuary, April, May...

Hello all, and a very happy new year!! 

I'm writing this from the gorgeous city of Tel Aviv, where I'm currently spending some time with the BF catching up on my sunshine intake and plenty of epic food. At any rate, I know I've not been good with my blogging of late (I've been insanely distracted by just about everything this holiday) but I thought I'd throw a quick one in, just to let you know what's been on my mind...

Firstly, something which is constantly tugging at the back of my mind: every year my university have a week at the end of term with lots and lots and LOTs of balls. And when I say balls, we're talking black/white tie, with full top hat and tails ballgowns. Which, let's be honest, is every little girl's dream, to dress up as a fairy princess and frolic through the night like Cinderella (preferably without the midnight curfew and loss of shoes) either with your prince, or with one you find on the dancefloor...

Anyway, as one might expect in these situations, a dress is required. I've been keeping my eyes out for one for a while now - and as a poor student my budget isn't high - so I've been looking for vintage items, updating myself on and up-and-coming designers. I've even considered designing one and having it made... 

But then I saw this, on GaryPepperVintage:

Quite aside from the fact that the colour is simply mind-blowing, this dress is the epitome of what I'm looking for - classic without being boring, bold without being off-putting, has just the right amount of movement needed for a night spent on the dancefloor, and is exactly the kind of thing that would turn heads- always a necessary attribute.

I would totally recommend checking out the website - the dresses are gorgeous and many are unique or custom made. They design, I believe, mainly for bridal parties, but hey, a dress is a dress! Unfortunately they're based in Australia, but hell, I'm going to email them anyway and see whether they can ship to the UK! 

- Wish me luck! -

In other news, and on a final note, please check out my friend Joy's blog, very recently started. She's got some great outfit shots up, (something I really need to get down to doing), and trust me, her looks are not to be missed!

I'll update you on my trip upon my return, but until then, as they say here in T.A: laila tov!